A Public announcement
P.E.T.A.- I swear to you . . . argh. PETA makes vegetarianism look retarded. I think vegetarians are awesome but seriously. C'mon PETA, I hear more people say they think vegetarian is stupid from what PETA does, than I hear people say, wow, PETA is truely great, I'm going to be a devout vegetarian from now on. Don't give me crap on this one, I already know I'm right. I have so many more things to say about PETA, but I wont go into it all right now.
At 12:39 PM,
Forzavryheid said…
Sorry to hear about the loss...
As for the P.E.T.A post, could you be sure to throw in Greenpeace too?
Id LOVE to slag them both off.
At 10:33 AM,
Sarah Liz said…
haha thank you! you make laugh
At 2:40 AM,
Unknown said…
Hahah, you rock!
At 3:47 PM,
Forzavryheid said…
Glad to have you back!
A very interesting post. i dont like Bill Clinton either- just one big old douchebag that manipulated a young girl into- *ahem*.
Then again, if I was married to Hillary Clinton id also be driven to do ANYTHING to make gher divorce me: even go for someone that looks like Monica Lewinsky.
Guess Hillary is just plain ol' stubborn and thats why he has aged so much recently. POOR PILLOCK.
And Ill be first to say I have no time for vegetarians. We have food groups for a reason, and animals just taste so damn good. It would be an insult NOT to eat them... : )
And PETA? Apart from producing some nice semi-nude model shoots they arent worth crap in my life.
RAPISTS??? *blood boiling*
Phew! Nuff said.
Again- GREAT to have you back!
At 10:55 AM,
Forzavryheid said…
Its been a MONTH!!!!
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